Non-Academic Requirements

MLS Non-Academic Requirements for Entry

*Requirements for MLS Certificate, BS Degree, and MMLS Degree only

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Technical Standards

The Technical Standards are knowledge, skill, and attitude/behavioral requirements necessary for successful admission and continuance by students for the MLS program. They are also necessary to acquire or demonstrate competence in a discipline as complex as diagnostic laboratory medicine. The National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences ( requires that the Technical Standards (also called Essential Functions), required for admission to and continuance in the MLS program, be made available to prospective students and to the public.

Learn more about the technical standards

Honor code

Members of the MLS program are expected to engage in behavior that promotes the continuous development and improvement of student's academic experience. Honesty and integrity inside and outside the classroom are essential components of such an environment and imperative for all members of the community to incorporate into their scholastic pursuits.

Learn more about the honor code


According to Occupation Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines, and policies and requirements Academic Health Sciences (AHS), all students (including international students) enrolled in AHS colleges must meet immunization requirements as a condition of enrollment. Student in the AHS must provide proof of the following immunizations and testing. Visit the Boynton Health website for specific requirements.

NOTE: Written documentation of immunization status is needed with a nurse or doctor's signature (include the clinic site). The completed form is submitted to Boynton Health upon admission.

Learn more about the immunization policy

Criminal Background Studies

All MLS students are required to complete an annual criminal background study during enrollment of the program. Completing the study is a requirement of Minnesota State Law and those who fail to cooperate with the request are not able to complete the clinical and/or fieldwork components of the degree program. It is the student’s responsibility to keep a copy of the criminal background study certificate.

Learn more about the background studies

Technology Requirements

Due to the hybrid and online delivery format of all MLS courses, all students in the MLS program must have consistent and reliable access to a computer and the Internet. Students in the MLS program will need to maintain a minimum level of capacity and flexibility with computer equipment and other technological issues.

Learn more about technology requirements

Health Insurance

All MLS students are required to have health insurance while they are attending/participating in all course work including clinical experience rotations. Students are often at locations other than on campus and out-of-classroom experiences put students at risk for infectious diseases such as influenza, hepatitis B, HIV, and other occupational health risks. AHS students will automatically be charged the Student Health Benefit Plan fee or can request a waiver to use other outside insurance. Regardless of which insurance plan they choose, students must never experience a gap in coverage while in the MLS Program.

Learn more about health insurance options at the U of M

Student Services Fee

Students enrolled in 6 or more credits for fall and spring semester or 3 or more credits for summer term must pay a student services fee in addition to tuition. This fee provides students with access to various campus resources and services. These include but are not limited to: University-sponsored Student Health Benefit Plan, Boynton Health, Student Conflict Resolution Center, Student Counseling Services, University Recreation & Wellness Center, and University Student Legal Services.

Students must review their University account (via MyU portal) each semester to ensure they have been assessed this fee to avoid interruption to these resources and services. If you are not being assessed the Student Services Fee automatically, you are required to complete the Student Services Fee Assessment Request form to be issued to the fee. Failure to comply could result in removal from course enrollment.

Learn more about the student services fee

Social Media Policy

This policy provides guidance and parameters for social media usage by students enrolled in MLS. While social media tools are a very popular mode of engagement and communication and facilitate education, collaboration, research, business, and remote work, it’s usage by MLS students presents unique risks to clients/patients. Because of the risks associated with inappropriate use of social media, misuse must be addressed through professionalism training, usage guidelines, and appropriate corrective and disciplinary action when warranted. The use of social media requires a conscious recognition of the profoundly public and long-lasting nature of on-line communication which provides a permanent record of postings. Each student, resident and fellow is responsible for appropriate online behavior just as they are with communications in other areas of their professional life.

Learn more about the health sciences social media policy


Students in the Center for Allied Health Programs must comply with specific requirements within their program and within the health sciences (see the list of requirements below). Once students are admitted to their program they will receive instructions to meet compliance requirements and continue to meet them throughout the program.

Information and instructions about each item of compliance will be included in your Welcome Letter.

MLS Program Requirements

Lab Safety Training

These compliance requirements will be fullfilled with the lab safety officer during classes.

  • Bloodborne Pathogens
  • Chemical Hazard
  • Fire Safety
  • Fire Extinguisher
  • Electrical Hazard
  • Material Safety Data Sheets
  • Decontamination
  • Biological & Infectious Waste
  • Chemical Waste
  • Respiratory Protection
  • Specific Pathogens (Salmonella, Influenza, Plague, Tuberculosis, Rabies, etc.)
  • Transport & Shipping
  • Radiation Safety
  • Sharps Safety
  • MLS Laboratory Safety Manual Review